Tennis Clinics, Lessons, Competitive Team Play, and Adult Leagues
Bloomfield Hills Swim and Tennis boasts six professional quality tennis courts (two with night-time court flood lights) and two newly resurfaced pickleball courts. Our tennis programs include both lessons and clinics for children and adults of all ages and ability levels, a women's competitive league, a junior tennis team programs, and plans for a men's tennis league. Youth tennis team information will be powered through Team Snap, but all other tennis information will provided through this website and/or through the coaching staff directly.

Head Coach/Coordinator = Al Must

Assistant Coaches = Tommy Hedges, Cooper Nugent, Henry Dorocak

Youth Tennis Team Chairpersons = Lisa Cooper and Michelle Callahan
Youth Tennis: Lessons, Clinics, and Competitive Play
Please click on the following tab below for access to all tennis offerings at BHSAT

Junior Tennis Teams Info
Ladies' Tennis League
The BHSAT Ladies' Tennis League is open to women of all ages and abilities. The cost to join is free, however those who play in the competitive matches will be required to pay player and coaches fees. This competitive, but very fun assembly of women love to play tennis and work hard week to week to improve their skills as both individual players and as a team. The pay-to-play competitive matches are scheduled on Friday mornings and selections of who plays are determined by the head coach, Al Must, and team captains. Matches are held both at BHSAT and several surrounding community clubs as well. Weekly "Drop-In" practices are held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm-9pm and are open to everyone and also free of charge. Outdoor Wednesday practices typically begin in May. We encourage you to join the BHSAT Ladies Tennis Facebook Page for daily/weekly updates regarding any/all league information.

At this time, there is not a BHSAT men's team or a men's league in the NSSL. However, any men looking to coordinate a weekly practice opportunity should reach out to the tennis coaching staff for more details and information.
Youth Clinics

Youth Tennis Clinics are offered for all ages and abilities as well. Youth clinics are offered in the evenings after school from June 3rd – June 13th, then will move to mornings Mondays-Thursdays June 17th through Thursday, July 25th. Youth clinics work on a 6:1 ratio (6 kids per clinic per instructor). The First “rain out” day is NOT a made up class, however the second “rain out” day of the week is made up that open Friday morning. Cost of each weekly clinic is $75 for the week per player that is preregistered, or members can pay a daily $25 drop-in fee if space in the class is available. “Drop In” options are only available for Intermediate and Excellence Level players.  Please reach out to Al Must for more information, including registering for sessions, at or via text at 248-821-7370.



Beginners/Advanced Beginners: 6pm-7pm (June 3rd-June 13th), 9am (beginning morning of June 17th)

Intermediate: 5pm-6pm (June 3rd-June 13th), 10am (beginning morning of June 17th)

Excellence: 5pm-6pm (June 3rd-June 13th), 11am (beginning morning of June 17th)



Adult Clinics

On Saturday mornings beginning in June we offer Adult Beginner Clinics from 8:30am – 9:30am and Adults Advanced Clinics & Competitive Play with coaching from 9:30am – 11am. Adult clinics are $20 and $25 per session and paid to the on-site coach directly via Cash, Venmo, or Zelle.  Clinics will run through end of August, weather-permitting. Please reach out to Al Must for more information, including registering for sessions, at or via text at 248-821-7370.

Private Lessons

Youth and Adult Lessons = Private, semi private, and group lessons can be scheduled directly with the tennis coaching staff. Fees to do so vary among instructors based on years of experience, as do hours of availability. Private tennis lesson fees range in price from $40-$80 depending on selected instructor. Lessons can be scheduled on a 30 or 60 minute basis and will be offered beginning in May for any currently paid 2024 BHSAT member and remain available through the end of August. Lessons are available for both children and adults and are open to all ability levels.  Please reach out to Al Must for more information, including registering for sessions, at or via text at 248-821-7370.



Bloomfield Hills Swim and Tennis Club |  251 E Square Lake Rd. Bloomfield Hills MI 48302  |   Terms of Use  |  Privacy Policy

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